Monday 16 July 2007

The Teaches of Peaches continue…


The Queen of sleazy electro rock is back with a vengeance with her latest - Impeach my Bush.

The Queen of sleazy electro rock is back with a vengeance with her latest - Impeach my Bush.

Canadian rocker Peaches, based in Berlin, headed to the Hollywood Hills to record the Fatherfucker follow-up, and although there’s no change of tone, per se (no, the tracks are indeed dirrrtier than ever) this album sounds more fresh, youthful, and poppy than precursors.

Those words may not immediately come to mind when you think of this petulant potty-mouth – but this slicker version of Peaches is more accessible…and a bit more (gasp!) fun.

Fair enough. Her raspy-rapping seems to have inspired a number of incarnations from the likes of Britney to Gwen Stefani – all of whom presented PG-rated versions of Peaches edgier, sexier lyrics – so it’s about time Peaches reclaim her signature sound.

And don’t let the slick, pop-tastic “Downtown”, an ode- to going down….town, put you off. If you prefer hard-rocking, nasty-talking Peaches…there’s plenty of that.

In “Give’er” she shows off a more soulful rock belt – as does “You love it”, which features Joan Jett who contributes on the vocals.

Of course, another favourite is Slippery Dick- featuring some of the most delicious diction to describe…what else, but hardcore sex?

Peaches asks, “Can you cut the mustard to clear the custard?” (I’m not really sure what this means but I like it anyway) and then launches into a cacophony of joyous vulgarity.

And as an artist with a punky post- fem following (reversing gender roles, objectifying men, in-your-face sexuality, etc) she does her audience a service by never taking herself too seriously.

There always seems to be an element of humour or irony in her lyrics - and even though “Impeach my bush” definitely has its political connotations, Peaches thankfully keeps her lyrics as apolitical as possible – with the exception of the title track: “I’d rather fuck who I want than kill who I am told to!”


We get the message – and we’re entertained.

And a piece of advice: When Peaches goes on tour- SEE HER. I saw her a few years back and it was one of the most raucous and raunchy shows i've ever seen.

She’s helped me channel my inner sexual rebel. Vulgar was never so fun.

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